How do you feel about your life? Are you living your best life? If your answer is no, you’re most probably not making the most of your life. Therefore, you will find this list intriguing and exciting as it contains amazing ideas that can help you live your best life. After all, we all grow from continuously learning from others.

As the old adage says, “we only live once” something l personally do not agree with the statement as l am of the thought that, “we live every single day”. Quite frankly, we all have had good and bad days in our lives and sometimes we can’t control the bad things that happen to us.
However, the most important thing is to make the most of what we have, focus on the good, and change our attitude towards situations we term ‘bad’. We can turn negative experiences into positive ones by changing our perspective, which will help us shape our future and create our most amazing life experiences.
I strive to live my best life by making small conscious changes in my personal life. In this post, I’ll share 20 incredible ideas to help you live your best life. Don’t be overwhelmed by the long list; instead, select the ones that you feel will be most beneficial to your situation. Consequently, use these suggestions as a guide and try to incorporate a few of them into your daily life.
1. Exercise more

I find that incorporating a healthy exercise routine helps me live my best life. It is an excellent way to increase your feel happy chemicals released from the brain when you exercise such as endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline, and endocannabinoid.
Furthermore, they help reduce stress, make you less anxious, and feel more confident which makes exercise beneficial to your body and mind. Arguably, anything that gives us a sound mind, and peace helps us deal with stress more effectively surely lands itself on the ‘our living your best life’ list.Â
2. Be kind to others

Being kind to others is something we should always strive for, and it will eventually benefit us in ways other than simply living our best lives.
People tend to remember how you make them feel therefore if we exhibit great qualities like kindness we will attract a lot of people into our lives. This will open the door to new opportunities and experiences.
This is a trick that has always helped me live my best life by not dwelling on negative aspects.
3. Be grateful for what you already haveÂ

If something negative clogs your mind in the future, I recommend remembering all the good things already going on in your life. As part of my morning routine l take 10 minutes before doing anything to say my gratitude affirmations.
This simple but powerful practice has allowed me to live a meaningful and thankful life. It is indeed the “simple things” in life that make a big difference.
Your gratitude list can include things like having a roof over your head, having food, clean drinking water, a warm bed, your kids and loving family, etc.Â
4. Always be thankful
“My first thought in the morning, is thank you for another day” – Karon Waddell

We should always be thankful for everything we have, whether it’s our friends, parents, experiences, jobs, opportunities, or anything that made us strong. After all, life is full of bright colors that make it beautiful.
As part of a quest to live my best life l consciously make it a priority to practice thankfulness at every opportunity. It’s a necessary step that you have to embrace if you want to fully experience the desired change in your life.
Thinking about all of the good in our life can make something negative seem insignificant. We might even laugh at ourselves for being so pessimistic!Â
5. Be more confident

I read a lot of biographies written by ‘successful self-made’ people. Most often you will realize that the most important lesson they give you is that you should believe in yourself.
The key to success is self-assurance. It is a strong belief and confidence in one’s qualities and abilities. Mastering the art and skill of developing my self-assurance has always been beneficial for me in my life.
It has attributed to me landing the job I want, earning more money, achieving my goals, networking, traveling the world, and undoubtedly living my best life.
6. Always look for new opportunitiesÂ

Our interest rises when we look forward to something new in our lives. Positive expectations often lead to skyrocketing levels of happiness. Sometimes a new opportunity can make you more eager to live a much more fulfilled life.
It’s a good practice to instill in your life as seeking new opportunities lets people know that you are out there and they will think of you when an aligned position arises.Â
7. Believe in ourselves

This is a great lesson to teach our children as believing in one’s ability is the cornerstone to building a strong foundation of confidence and skills. Having a ‘can-do’ attitude sets you apart from the crowd. The attitude you choose when approaching life situations can make a somewhat challenging situation become more achievable.Â
Therefore, we must believe in ourselves and our abilities at all times. It is true that when we get past the point that was causing us anxiety, our productivity, and our overall happiness increases.
I’ve since taken great strides in achieving a number of things in my life simply by believing in my abilities.Â
8. Laugh more to live moreÂ

Laughter is the best medicine. It brings our loved ones together in many ways than one. Laughter is the fastest way to improve your life because it lengthens our burdens, inspires hope, and connects us with others.
The icing on the cake is that laughter is free and readily available for us all to enjoy. It is a choice that I gladly turn to when l find myself feeling low for one reason or another.
I remind myself that a simple change of perspective can be the key to attaining the ever ‘elusive state of happiness.Â
9. Be true to who you are

It’s obvious that living a lie can be painful and stressful. In most instances, it’s quite common to try and be someone that you are not or one that you think everyone likes.
However, living like this will not only make you feel like you are hiding your personality but can leave you feeling dejected and lost. Most often being caught up in doing things you don’t believe in so that you live up to false external expectations.
The first step in rectifying this situation is to realize it. Once you know you can now take the necessary steps to live a life that is truly you. You will start to do things that truly make you happy and not just to please others. This will no doubt play a significant role in helping you live your best life.Â
10. Learn to say no

It’s okay to say, ‘No’ at times. Instead of saying ‘yes’ to things that make us want to pull our hair out, we should try to say no when the situation calls for it.
I have been greatly empowered by acquiring the skill of saying no. Through practicing this l can safely say that I live a much more fulfilled happy life.
Saying no may give us more time to think about ourselves and what we truly want out of life. Putting yourself first is a healthy and necessary approach that will see you smile more in the future.Â
11. Don’t stay in your comfort zone.

Challenge yourself to strive for better results and goals. We will never be able to live our best lives if we stay in our comfort zones. If we become stuck in our familiar environment and avoid new experiences in life, we fail to live to our fullest capabilities.
It is better to try a particular experience and fail it than to not attempt it completely. I strive to live my life out of my comfort zone whenever I can and enjoy the challenge at every step of the journey.Â
12. Take risks
Now is the right time to get over our fears and take more risks. When we risk something that scares us, we will be surprised at how alive and in control we feel.
Therefore you should take as many calculated risks often and train yourself to live in the moment. As tomorrow is never guaranteed.
13. Accept Failures

It is entirely okay to fail at anything in life! Failure is part of taking up any challenge or experience. It forms part of our lives and hence, we should embrace it whenever it occurs. Learn to speak about it and be reminded that we never really fail but learn something new from such situations.
There is always a hidden lesson or two and it’s inevitable that there is always a chance that we may fail. The positive is that we indeed learn a lot about ourselves when we fail.
Accepting our failures by analyzing where we went wrong and how we can improve will surely make us a better version of ourselves.
15. Have fun with little things

Life is not that serious! Have fun with it! Look on the bright side of things and take time and enjoy the little things around us.
We should try to focus on living in the moment. Otherwise, it is easy to always focus on the negatives, and on what could have gone right resulting in you losing out on the beauty of certain situations.Â
Enjoying all the little things around me helps me live my best life by focusing on simple amazing things that are happening right now.Â
16. Set goals and make them happen

Setting goals for ourselves, our families, and our careers and working toward them is integral to being a highly organized human.
Having a well-mapped out path helps me reduce the stress of living life with no direction. It gives me clarity and peace of mind as l work through my documented objective.Â
It’s something l recommend you should take up in your own personal life. As it gives me a sense of meaning and purpose for living.Â
17. Practice self-care

Self-care helps us maintain healthy thriving relationships with ourselves and others around us. Self-care to me is taking time out of my hectic schedule to care for my needs.
Therefore, as it’s individualistic it might mean something totally different for you. However, at the end of the day, it’s just caring for one’s soul and doing things that make you feel rejuvenated, alive, and happy.
When l think of self-care l think of a massage, getting a manicure & pedicure, and soaking in a hot bath for hours. In short, self-care all comes down to putting yourself first to learn how to live your best life.
18. Prioritize your health
Another step toward living your best life is to prioritize your health. Taking deliberate steps to improve physical health is essential to overall well-being.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by prioritizing my health allows me to feel fulfilled and satisfied. Staying active and eating well are incredibly beneficial to our overall health.
19. Make a habit of reading

We should try to make reading habits because books are one of the best ways to learn and explore different cultures.
Spending a little time each day reading books provides knowledge and a sense of escape. Reading allows me to dream and create a world full of possibilities.
It’s an opportunity that l treasure dearly and something l encourage you to do once in a while.Â
20. Be proud of your success
Whether we own a small business, do well in our lives, or have a regular job. We should always be proud of our accomplishments. We should not get disturbed by someone’s success. Remember that we got here through a combination of luck and hard work.Â
What is the meaning of living the best life?
Living the best life varies from person to person. One thing for sure is that putting into practice the above-mentioned suggestions will help us lead a fulfilled life that allows us to reach our full potential. This could be creating a better daily routine, becoming the best version of ourselves, being grateful, feeling confident, creating goals, practicing kindness, thoughtfulness & meaningfulness, saving money, exercising, setting boundaries, eliminating harmful habits, having more courage, and much more. We should take some time to sit and think about how we can live our best life. This list will undoubtedly be helpful!